Spirit Desire

Restitution of Spirit Desire — La Manufacture

On the evening of La Manufacture CDCN’s 24/25 season presentation, the young dancers from the Groupe Spécial d’Immersion Chorégraphique (G–SIC)**, will present a performance of Spirit Desire*.

In preparation for their performance, a transmission session is scheduled the day before with dancer and transmitter Madoka Kobayashi. 

*Spirit Desire is the name of the CCNR’s new transmission project, to be deployed throughout the 23/24 season. The choreographic material, created by Yuval Pick on the basis of his ® Practice method, is shared between three groups: YuPi, the CCNR’s young company, students from PESMD Bordeaux and G-SIC amateurs from La Manufacture CDCN in Bordeaux

**The G-SIC project is aimed at a group of young people aged 15 to 25, with or without previous dance experience. 
The aim is to discover contemporary dance and the work of a choreographer through workshops, encounters and the transmission of a short piece, to follow a creative process and experience the stage.


10 Sep 2024


6:00 PM

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