Amateur audiences

® Practice has a "pleasure" dimension: the pleasure of moving, of moving with others. We practice Practice in groups. In this way, we invent a common space.
Yuval Pick

If the Practice method is aimed primarily at professional dancers, with high standards, it can be passed on to all audiences, beginners and experienced amateurs alike. Practice offers tools for discovering one’s creativity in order to meet one’s body and that of others in a different way: “The space-in-between” becomes a space for play. We explore it, we modify it, we reorganize it, we invent it. We’re here to free ourselves, to dare to discover and to take pleasure in moving towards the unknown.

They experimented Practice

Advanced practice

  • Participants in the Samedi on danse and Sentir La Fibre workshops at CCN de Rillieux-la-Pape
  • Participants at CND’s “Danses Partagées” event in Lyon…

School and university audiences

  • Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University students
  • Sciences Po Lyon students
  • The Higher School of Teaching and Education of the Academy of Lyon
  • Students from Lyon’s École Nationale Supérieur des Arts et Techniques du Théâtre (ENSATT)
  • Students from Lycée Juliette Récamier in Lyon…

Specific audiences

  • Participants in the “Garantie Jeunes” scheme run by Mission Locale de Rillieux-la-Pape
  • Patients of the Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier in Lyon and Rillieux-la-Pape
  • Patients of the Institut Médico-Éducatif de Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy
  • The inmates of the Corbas prison…

Around the shows

  • National Forum of Music in Wroclaw (Poland)
  • Scène Nationale of Saint-Nazaire
  • L’Empreinte, Scène Nationale Brive in Tulle
  • KLAP, Maison pour la danse in Marseille…
  • L’Esplanade du Lac in Divonne-les-Bains
  • L’Autre Scène du Grand Avignon in Vedène
  • Kaohsiung Arts Center in Taïwan (China)
  • Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois — Trois C-L (Luxembourg)
  • Centres culturels de Limoges…

Experience Practice!