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Thibault Desaules et Madoka Kobayashi — Practice au CCNR/Yuval Pick (2023- © Xavier Boyer

Practice and creativity: Thibault

4 questions to Thibault Desaules, dancer. “The notion of letting go allows us to ‘explode’ our sensations. Even if Practice’s exercises are written and codified, they free the imagination and enable dancers to remain alert and creative.”

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Julie Charbonnier et Guillaume Forestier — Practice au CCNR/Yuval Pick (2023 © Xavier Boyer)

Practice and creativity: Guillaume

4 questions to Guillaume Forestier, dancer. “I think the performer naturally explores his creativity. Our bodies always speak for us; you can read a multitude of nuances in them just by the way we do things.”

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Practice au studio de la Velette / CCNR (2022) © Sébastien Erôme

Practice and creativity: Madoka

4 questions to Madoka Kobayashi, dancer. “I would say that it helps to be creative when you work with your body. Because the body is a very concrete thing, which you know by heart as a performer…”

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Yuval Pick (2021) © Sébastien Erôme

An organic choreographer

At 51 years old, Yuval Pick already has a successful career as a dancer and some twenty pieces to his credit. In 2011, he succeeded Maguy Marin as director of the CCN of Rillieux-la-Pape…

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